“Advocate in numbers. If your child is experiencing a racially or culturally motivated violations, contact the school leadership to get them addressed as soon as possible and enlist other parents and community members to call about the same issue. When your child is not the direct target, advocate for other students who are experiencing the violation.”
The Value of Anti-Racism Education
“It is true that America is becoming browner. Sadly, this reality scares many White people because White people are having this conversation with themselves, “Where do I fit in to these changing demographics? Where do I sit if I am not sitting in the seat of power? I love being the majority. I love making the rules even though they abuse other people. Hmmm, what can I do to hold on to the power that I think I’m supposed to have even if I have to lie AGAIN to get it? What weaklings can I convince that I am telling the truth?”
Equity Works and We Know It
“Educational equity has the potential to give every child access to a quality education regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or zip code. Students, families, communities, and generations thrive when we intentionally create environments that facilitate and expect the succes.”
The Absurdity of Some IEPs
“I often wonder that if our public schools were run differently, if the number of students receiving special education services would decrease. I happen to think that the answer would be “Yes.”
America’s Deeply Rooted Racism
“I don’t know if we will ever eliminate racism but American can certainly repent of the corporate sin of slavery, atone for this sin, and do the work of reteaching our history and dismantling the systems that uphold racism and give it a place to thrive.”
Lemons for Sale Part II
“Once you have educated yourself, teach your children what you know in age appropriate ways. Parents cannot depend on the school to teach accurate and authentic American History. Take responsibility for equipping your child at home. “
Lemons for Sale Part I
“Certainly, if school systems can identify and hire qualified teachers to teach College Prep Calculus, a subject that some may call challenging or even difficult, surely school systems can identify and hire qualified teachers to teach accurate and truthful American history if they deemed it valuable. “