Sharing as I learn and grow

retro tv on river shore near forest

Your Invitation to Get Involved in Confronting Racism

“Maybe you have never considered the idea that racism exists in America or maybe you don’t believe that racism exists.  Perhaps you think that racism is a Black problem and that it doesn’t have anything to do with you, your family, or your community.  Racism has everything to do with all of us and we can choose to become engaged and intentionally become part of the solution.


Is It Shedding Season?

“God gives us opportunities to shed our old skin, skin that is no longer serving us so that our new skin can emerge. As we grow in Christ, we need to be willing to let go old habits, old thought patterns and even old relationships.   God is always trying to do something new in your life and in mine but we have to be willing to let go of the past.”

cotton field under white cloudy sky

Lessons Learned

“As the day wore on, I noticed an uncomfortable trend.  I observed that even though we all seemed to be of African descent, these people were not my people.  I noticed that I had to carefully sift through what was being said about race, racism and injustice to analyze and filter truth and the information with which I agreed.  I observed that our thought processes about race and approach to education,  building community and reconciliation were totally different.  These people seemed to think that racial separation and warring against a human enemy were the answers to justice and freedom.  For the first time in a long time, I felt alienated in the company of people who looked like me.”

selective focus photoraphy of chains during golden hour

Our Invisible Shackles

“Black people, and certainly, black youth as a collective, do not have the freedom to simply be or to make the mistakes that make us human without the potential scrutiny of public opinion.  Any misstep whether perceived or actual, by an African American person is fodder for judgment and stereotyping of all African American people .”