When you know better, make the choice to do better.
The Problem with Pretending
Have you seen the very popular television show called, “The Masked Singer?” It is now in its fifth season and boasts a viewing audience of nearly six million viewers. Each week fans tune in to watch celebrities donning elaborate costumes which include ornate masks try to keep their identities hidden from a panel of celebrities …
Do You Have F.O.M.O.?
I don’t know about you, but I have serious F.O.M.O. (Fear of Missing Out) when it comes to making purchases. Even though I have a closet full of clothes, shoes, handbags, and accessories I can ALWAYS justify buying more stuff. My F.O.M.O. is not just limited to clothing and accessories; I feel the same way …
How Are You Using Your Stage?
I am Christian, African American woman. I am an unconventional educator, writer, children’s book author and blogger. I am the wife of a loving and wise man and the mother of two amazing children. I have been blessed with several “stages” during my lifetime and I am grateful for each of them. I do not …
It’s Working but I Don’t Like It
I am about four few weeks in on my decision to become more disciplined in my eating and fitness habits. I have been diligent about exercising two to four times per week, drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, evaluating nutritional content in packaged foods, and significantly limiting my desserts. I know that I …
Ask for Help When You Need It
A few months ago, my 14-year-old daughter and I were talking, and the conversation turned toward a hypothetical scenario involving her choking at a dinner table surrounded by her friends. I asked her, “If you were choking, would you alert one of your friends at your table so that they could help you or get …
What’s Your Why?
“What’s my motivation?” You probably have heard this question asked in jest by a high maintenance actor in a movie or sitcom. But have you ever pondered the question yourself? Last year, I looked at why I was having trouble in two areas of my life: my weight and my spending habits. I asked the …
Lessons Learned in 2020
During the month of December, I watched various people on television and social media say good-bye to 2020. I saw everything from a custom-made necklace given as a gift to friends giving 2020 the middle finger to a TODAY Show producer symbolically flushing a 2020 calendar page down the toilet. And understandably so; it was …